All About Puerto Rican Sato Street Dog Rescue

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So I hear there’s some kind of sports event going on today?? I’m not really a sports fan, but there IS an event I’m into…the Animal Planet Puppy Bowl! I’m even more excited to see some Puerto Rican satos representing again this year. Plus, they had the Dog Bowl with older pups last night! Did you watch?
Roxy & Rico are our Puerto Rican satos (slang for street dogs). We rescued Roxy 4 years ago when a box of puppies was dropped off in our neighborhood. They were well taken care of and all found homes that day.
A few months later, Rico was found in a box on the side of the road with a bunch of squirmy puppies, and one that had sadly already passed. Once they were healthier, we took Roxy to pick out her new sibling from the surviving puppies.
Roxy had other plans…with all the people and puppies around, she suddenly got nervous and hid! Rico picked her out instead, and just sat by her until she poked her nose out to sniff him. They were best friends from that moment!
The added benefit is by rescuing R&R, we got the opportunity to meet and work with wonderful rescue people! We were introduced to Giselle, who is the founder of OBRA (Organización pro Bienestar, Rescate y Adopción de los Animales) and does amazing work.
It’s truly a labor of love for her, and while we were living in Puerto Rico, we got to help rescue, foster, and transport dogs from the island to partner rescues on the east coast.
One that stays close to my heart is Buddy, who was rescued right before Christmas (while we were watching my favorite movie, Elf!). We were his foster family for 9 months while he fought hard through multiple heartworm treatments.
Happily, they were successful and he was finally cleared to travel! He went to a fantastic rescue in Maine, and was adopted super fast by a nice couple. We miss our tiny man, and while we haven’t gotten updates, it’s enough knowing he survived the island and found a forever home.
Rescue is hard, often heartbreaking work. The stray dog population in Puerto Rico is overwhelming at times, where animal abuse, abandonment, and mistreatment is rampant, and I’m sure it’s only gotten more challenging after Hurricane Maria.
The good news is that YOU CAN HELP! That’s right, you can assist Giselle & OBRA in saving Puerto Rican satos.
Please, like OBRA’s Facebook page to see the newest rescues and the happy stories as they’re adopted into loving forever homes. OBRA receives no government funds and works solely through donations, which can be made via PayPal to or by mail: OBRA PO Box 9949 San Juan, PR 00908
Hola, hace unos meses recaté una perra el cual no sabía que estaba embarazada.
Tuvo 6 cachorritos y no he podido darlos en adopción.
Tienen 2 meses de nacidos.
Necesito ayuda para ellos.
Agradeceré su respuesta a la mayor brevedad.
Hola Lolyvette, comuníquese con Giselle en OBRA a través de un mensaje privado en Facebook ( y hágale saber dónde vive en Puerto Rico. Ella puede ayudarte mejor. Gracias!